Thursday 28 April 2011

Advert Analysis JP

L’Oreal Shampoo Analysing Adverts

Narrative – What is the story of the ad, characters, settings, conflicts, resolutions?
For this L’Oreal Advert there isn’t a story that goes along with it as its advertising shampoo for hair.
This advertisement always uses a celebrity to inspire the product that is being promoted, for example in the advert that I am analysing it has Cheryl Cole to promote the shampoo as she has got amazing hair and can sell the product well.
The advert is set in a house that is very modern, making the setting of the scene bring the audience in to feel comfortable and bring a good feel to the product as where it is being set is a suitable place.
The whole idea of this advert and the story is that Cheryl Cole is trying to convince you of the product L’Oreal shampoo and showing off her hair and showing how silky and smooth it is from using the shampoo.
The resolution to this advert is that Cheryl Cole has convinced you to buy this product.

Mise-en-scene (What colours, sets and props are used? Why?)
For this advert there are two main colours that have been used that come up mainly which are white and red, this reason is because the products bottle is white and red. This is very affective as the advert has come together and merged with the colours that have been used. This technique has been used purposely to make the advert affective and so the audience can notice that this is being used. There are no props being used in this advert, the only thing that it is focused on is Cheryl Coles hair and how shiny and smooth it looks.

Target Audience – Who is the product for?
The product of this advert is aimed at all women that have long hair mainly and want their hair to look like it does on the advert, the shampoo can be used by any gender but the target audience for this advert is aimed at all aged women that want to have the effect that is shown in the advert. In a lot of the L’Oreal adverts that are shown, will find that famous people are promoting the product to make it more realistic and inspires the audience to want to buy the existing product. A lot of young people and even middle aged will be very inspired by Cheryl Cole has she in a role model to a lot of people because of how she looks and how far she has come in her career from having nothing. So by using her in the adverts it will bring the target audiences in.

Sounds -  What can you hear?
What I can hear in the advert is the music in the background, which has a rhythm to it that makes you feel happy and gets you in a good mood as it can become very catchy. This music goes will with the advert and that the product is and the way it is being promoted by Cheryl Cole,  the way she is promoting it by moving a lot in the house and spinning around showing off her hair to show how shiny and smooth it is, the music goes well with the paste Cheryl is going and creates energy and a good mood for both the product and the celebrity. There is also a voice over of Cheryl talking about the shampoo and promoting it by saying how affective it is and how it makes her hair so shiny and smooth and how good it makes her feel, this is being persuasive to the audience by giving positive advice and trying to sell the product as well as she can. As well by smiling all the time whilst speaking to give an impression that the shampoo and the after affect is making her feel good about her.  As well as the voice over of Cheryl Cole there is a voice over of a male voice speaking and giving scientific facts of the shampoo and about the hair and how good it is for your hair and how it can bring life back into it.

Advertising Techniques – What techniques are used and why?
There are many different techniques that are used in this advert, many of which one being the techniques and idea of using celebrity to promote the product by showing how good their hair can look as many people who have a celebrity idol always wonder how amazing their hair is and how they get it to be that good, this advert and many exaggerate this and makes you believe this is one of the reasons how this happens. Another techniques that is used is when the colours are the same and merge together in the advert, as the colour of the bottle in this advert is white and red and the technique of the scene is to have the same colour and to show how good the colours can be used, it works well as it makes the advert look bright and has a positive feel to it. Beauty appeal is a main technique that can be used in a advert like this as it brings the audience to watch the advert by using a famous celebrity with a lot of beauty, you will find in all make-up, skin care and hair adverts use women with a lot of beauty to advertise the advert and promote it to make it more effective and realistic.

Camera Shots – What shots are used and why?
During this advert there are many different camera shots that are being used process, at the start of the advert and throughout the advert is a lot medium shots of Cheryl mainly to see her face and most important her hair, then cuts to a close up of her face this is showing the beauty within the advert and her facial expressions from what the shampoo does to your hair.  Long wide shots are also used in this advert to show the setting of the scene and what is around using the colours in the house that are of the L’Oreal bottle. Close ups and medium shots are the camera shots that are mainly used in this advert to focus on the product and the after affect that it has on your hair so by using these shots it is giving a clear view.

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